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Why Superfoods

Superfoods are the most mineral and nutrient dense organic foods on the planet, easily absorbable and useable by the human body.
 Raw Cacao - “The Mayan food of the Gods”
Raw cacao is chocolate in its raw state – before roasting, sugar, preservatives and fillers compromise its abundant natural benefits.
 The facts:
  • Number one source of heart-supporting magnesium on the planet
  • Contains cancer-fighting antioxidants
  • Has anti-depressant properties
  • Contains MAO Inhibitors, which help to diminish the appetite
  • No trans fats, no sugars, no dairy; 100% pure dark chocolate straight off the tree
Chia - “The gold of the Ancient Aztecs”
Chia, which means ‘strength’ in Mayan, was considered medicine by the ancient Aztecs, prized for its incredible health properties.
 The facts:
  • Chia is the richest known plant source of omega-3s on the planet
  • Chia has double the amount of calcium than that of milk
  • An excellent source of fibre - one serving of Wazoogles Superfood will provide you with 44% of your body’s daily fibre requirements
  • Packed with protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
 Hemp - “The plant of life”
This ancient food can be traced back thousands of years to China, Egypt and Persia, where it was a highly revered food source.
 The facts:
  • Hemp has the perfect balance of Omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health, meaning it has powerful anti-cancer properties
  • At 30% protein content, hemp is an ideal raw, vegan, organic muscle builder and energy booster
  • Long overlooked due to its misunderstood association with marijuana; hemp seeds will not get you high as they do not contain THC
Maca Root - “The Incan warrior powerfood”
This South American root is prized for its ability to kick start stamina, energy, and sexual function.
 The facts:
  • Maca is a radish-like root that grows at high altitudes in the Andes Mountains
  • Boosts energy, strength, libido, sexual function and fertility in both men and women
  • A natural viagra with no side effects, it's said to relieve symptoms of menopause within days
  • Maca is an adaptogen, meaning it adapts to suit your body’s individual needs
  • Boosts immunity and physical vitality


    Mesquite - “Native American white carob”

    Our mesquite powder comes from the ground up pods of this amazing native-American tree.

    The facts:

    • In pre-Columbian times mesquite was a major food source of the desert-dwelling American Indians
    • The natural sweetness in mesquite pods doesn’t require insulin to be metabolised, making it safe for diabetics
    • 17% in protein and rich in dietary fibre, the nutrients in mesquite are absorbed slowly, effectively balancing blood sugar and preventing hunger


    Lucuma - “The creamy Peruvian superfruit”

    This superfruit hails from the Andean valleys of Peru, where it was loved by the ancient Incas for its flavour and nutritional density.

    The facts:

    • Lucuma is widely known to boost the immune system, promote proper cell communication and oxygenate the blood
    • Extremely rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorous
    • Recent studies have shown Lucuma to promote tissue regeneration, assisting in anti-aging and skin-repair